Tag Archives for " Drinking "

Does a Water Protocol Improve the Hydration and Health Status of Individuals with Thin Liquid Aspiration Following Stroke? A Randomized Controlled Trial.

TITLE: Does a Water Protocol Improve the Hydration and Health Status of Individuals with Thin Liquid Aspiration Following Stroke? A Randomized Controlled Trial. AUTHOR: Murray J, Doeltgen S, Miller M, Scholten I. REFERENCE: Dysphagia. 2016 Feb 17. YEAR: 2016 The benefit of water protocols for individuals with thin liquid aspiration remains controversial, with mixed findings from a small number […]

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Patterns of drinking and eating across the European Union: implications for hydration status

TITLE: Patterns of drinking and eating across the European Union: implications for hydration status AUTHOR: Elmadfa I, Meyer AL. REFERENCE: Nutr Rev. 2015 Sep;73 Suppl 2:141-7. doi: 10.1093/nutrit/nuv034. YEAR: 2015 Appropriate hydration is essential for health and well-being. In Europe, water consumption patterns vary despite the unlimited availability of this resource. Water constitutes the largest proportion of total fluid intake in […]

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Does salt increase thirst?

TITLE: Does salt increase thirst? AUTHOR: Leshem M. REFERENCE: Appetite. 2015 Feb;85:70-5. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2014.11.014. Epub 2014 Nov 15 YEAR: 2015 Our diet is believed to be overly rich in sodium, and it is commonly believed that sodium intake increases drinking. Hence the concern of a possible contribution of dietary sodium to beverage intake which in turn may contribute to obesity and […]

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